Cleaning and Restoration of Funeral Monuments and Articles

Throughout the years, we have carried out major restoration work for various religious groups, governmental associations, private enterprises as well as countless families.

Granite Lacroix’s experienced team is formed by artisans and specialists who use leading-edge equipment to restore the Ways of the Cross and monuments while protecting their original cachet. According to the nature of your project, we work onsite or in our workshop.

Whether it is simple cleaning or the most delicate restoration, we make every effort to ensure your satisfaction.


A well-maintained monument will reflect your pride. From simple cleaning to the most delicate restoration, we make every effort to ensure your satisfaction.

NOUVELLE SALLE DE MONTRE À REPENTIGNY! Venez nous rencontrer, nous sommes situés au 667, rue Notre-Dame, local 101 (Édifice de Service Canada)

Contactez-nous : 450-669-7467 poste 32 | Courriel : [email protected]

NEW SHOWROOM IN REPENTIGNY! Come and meet us at 667, rue Notre-Dame, local 101 (Service Canada building).

Contact us : 450-669-7467 poste 32 | E-mail: [email protected]