Aram Seropian

« We went to the cemetery the weekend immediately following the installation of my dad’s monument…we are pleased with the outcome. Also, noticed a small surprise…Thank you for that, and for you and your team’s patience and efforts in seeing this project through. It...

Lynn Stanley

« Thank you for all your assistance with this. You made this process very simple for me and I will gladly share your contact information to others in the area. » Lynn...

Effy Papadatos

« I went over to the cimetary on Saturday to see my mother’s picture that was installed last week. The picture is very nice. All in all the monuments was wee done. Thank you again for your advice and assistance. » Effy...

John B.

« Lacroix Granite provided me a excellent  experience.  Mme Rondeau guided me through their selection of products and choices and offered great advice.  The installed funeral monument exceeded my expectations.  The monument included beautiful representative artist...

Mike Bercik

« I’m very grateful for the superb job that Granite Lacroix did on the monument. It’s beauty is in no small part a tribute to your excellent vision and taste. You provided us with such wonderful and practical design ideas. » Warmest Regards, Mike...

Père Yvon Cousineau, C.S.C. Curé de la paroisse Saint-Laurent

« M. Lacroix, Après en avoir discuté avec le conseil de Fabrique, après l’avoir installé dans l’église Saint-Laurent, les fidèles ont eu la chance d’admirer cette pierre placée sous l’autel. Ce fut un succès sur toute la ligne et les commentaires positifs fusent de...

NOUVELLE SALLE DE MONTRE À REPENTIGNY! Venez nous rencontrer, nous sommes situés au 667, rue Notre-Dame, local 101 (Édifice de Service Canada)

Contactez-nous : 450-669-7467 poste 32 | Courriel : [email protected]

NEW SHOWROOM IN REPENTIGNY! Come and meet us at 667, rue Notre-Dame, local 101 (Service Canada building).

Contact us : 450-669-7467 poste 32 | E-mail: [email protected]